Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Stories, Songs, and Magic

The Summer Reading Program is in full swing here at Brown Library!  We welcome back storyteller/musician Ron Jones, of Durham, this Friday for a show at the First United Methodist Church fellowship hall.  Magician Rob Westcott, of Virginia Beach, will be our special guest on July 22, followed by Appalachian storyteller Dianne Hackworth on July 29.

This week's movie for kids is, "Ratatouille".  We'll show, "The Jungle Book", on July 20, followed by, "Madagascar", on the 27th.

For more information, contact me at Brown Library in Washington, North Carolina.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Willy Wonka

We showed our first movie of the Summer Reading Program today at the library.  The children, parents and I enjoyed the 1971 classic, "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory".  Watching it again today reminded me how brilliant this movie is and what a great job Gene Wilder did in his performance of Willy Wonka. 
"Come with me and you'll be in a world of pure imagination..."